Βραβείο του Hollywood για το ελληνικό timelapse video “Greek Skies”

Το βραβείο Best of the Fest των Hollywood International Independent Documentary Awards (HIIDA) κέρδισε το timelapse video “Greek Skies” του Παναγιώτη Φιλίππου, στη δημιουργία του οποίου η εταιρία μας συμμετείχε ως χορηγός. Δείτε παρακάτω το video και διαβάστε το συγκινητικό κείμενο του δημιουργού, που το συνοδεύει.
Greek Skies from Panos Photographia on Vimeo.
A One-Year Timelapse project under Greek Skies!
365 Days, 55.000 Photos, 825 hours shooting photos, 8400km, 650 hours of editing dedicated to my dear dad Konstantinos who wasn’t given a fair chance to fight against cancer.
Dad the video is ready, I know you are not here to see it together, but forgive me I cannot type “in memory of” for you.. cause you never left me and you never will.
Μy immunosuppression didn’t keep me down, neither the cold, nor the heat. What kept me out there dad was you, because you are out there Dad, up in the Greek Skies, every time I turned my camera up in the sky I was pointing at you.
You made Greek Skies so much more beautiful and so much more amazing.
Dad the video is you, you are the Greek Skies.
I will continue following the lesson you taught me in your last days. Support every human being that gives this battle with everything I can. And this is just the beginning…
You were there Dad. 365 Days, 55.000 Photos, 825 hours shooting photos, 8400 km, 650 hours of editing, and countless hours of praying.
You were there with me & you will always be.
Till we meet Dad!
Your Son.
Please watch in HD/4K full screen with good speakers for the optimal experience.
Available both in my Vimeo & YouTube channels (see links below).
If you are interested in reading the story, seeing behind-the-scenes videos & photos from the project, please head over panosphotographia.com/greekskies
Filmography concept and videography was made by Panagiotis Filippou panosphotographia.com
Flickr : flickr.com/photos/mediterraneaaan ;
FB : facebook.com/pages/Panos-Photographia/192766820929239
Twitter : twitter.com/PPhotographia
Google + : plus.google.com/u/0/+PanagiotisFilippouPanosPhotographia
500px : 500px.com/PanosPhotographia
Instagram: instagram.com/pphotographia
Vimeo: vimeo.com/panosphotographia
YouTube: youtube.com/channel/UCCS0SguvFsAv6UtxCx_tenw
The soundtrack is custom-made for this film by the very talented artist Fred Capo Productions capoproductionsmusic.com
You can buy the song on: capoproductionsmusic.com
Listen to more of Fred’s music here: soundcloud.com/capo-productions
The edit is made by a very talented Filmmaker Marco Gomez based in Madrid allthegoodthings.co
You can check his amazing work in vimeo: vimeo.com/allthegoodthings
Like his fb page : facebook.com/allthegoodthings1
To my two friends who helped me and contributed scenes to make this video beautiful!
Konstantinos Themelis & Christopher Anagnostopoulos
Please check their social you will find amazing work!
Flickr : flickr.com/photos/christophephoto
500px : 500px.com/christopheralpha
Twitter : twitter.com/Christoforos_A
vimeo : vimeo.com/christopheanagno
Google+ : plus.google.com/u/0/+ChristopheAnagnostopoulos/posts
Email : [email protected]
500px: 500px.com/kostas_themelis
Facebook: facebook.com/Konstantinos-Themelis-Photography-482871071834925/?fref=ts
Flickr: flickr.com/photos/115757823@N05
Viewbug: viewbug.com/member/konstantinosthemelis
FineArtEurope/America: finearteurope.com/profiles/konstantinos-themelis.html
The gear used:
1xNikon D810
2xNikon D800
1xNikon D610
1xNikon D7000
1xNikon D7100
1xCanon EOS 6D
1xGoPro 4 Silver
Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 16-35mm f/4G ED VR
Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 20mm f/1.8G ED
Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 24-70mm f/2.8G ED
Canon 17-40 f/4
Canon 50mm f/1.8
Sigma 35mm f/1.4 Art
Samyang 14mm f/2.8 for Nikon
Samyang 14mm f/2.8 for Canon
Star Trackers:
Vixen Polarie
Star Adventurer Skywatcher
2x Digislider Timelapse & Video Kit
4xManfrotto 190XPOB ballhead
2x Benro Travel Angel III
Tablets & Smartphones for using Triggertrap
Special thanks to my sponsors
The project is supported with gear & software by:
AMAZING gear by digislider.co.uk
Super intelligent gear&soft triggertrap.com
The MUST HAVE star tracker COMPACT AND LIGHT! vixen-astronomie.de/produkte/polarie-star-tracker/
The ONLY software you will ever need for timelapse! LRtimelapse.com